Feel like doing something good for yourself? Get your credit card glowing again? You are in the right place: the fashion city of Zurich has a lot to offer. The main street is the so-called Bahnhofstrasse: if you stroll towards the lake, you will find the luxury boutiques of Dior, Chanel, Chloe & Co. If you walk in the opposite direction to the main station, you should stop off at the department stores Jelmoli and Globus. Looking for an unconventional shopping experience? Then you should commute downtown: Viaduktstrasse offers everything the explorer's heart desires: local brands, food halls and sustainable concepts from clothing to home décor.

The Living Circle – is a hand-picked collection of first-class hotels and restaurants in incomparably beautiful locations, run by dedicated hosts. Rice, vegetables, fruit and a whole array of exquisite products – including wine, of course – is whisked fresh from our own farms directly to your table. That is how we define luxury. That is The Living Circle – luxury fed by nature.
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